A 火博体育 student pouring a liquid into a test tube in a chemistry lab


Learn to use science and technology to create products for everyday life. With an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Chemical Engineering, you'll use chemistry to help produce items from food to medicines. Study essential concepts with our expert professors and in our labs.

Our two-year Chemical Engineering program has a partnership with New Mexico State University (NMSU). You'll take advanced classes with their faculty while studying at SJC. After completing your Chemical Engineering AS, you will easily transfer to NMSU. You can earn your bachelor's degree in two more years and start your new career.


Chemical engineers are at the forefront of discovering and improving the products around us. 他们在实验室和工厂工作,帮助:

  • 设计和制造电脑芯片
  • 开发新的药物和医疗设备
  • 改善回收和修复过程
  • 探索新能源
  • 改进水净化工艺

Earning an associate degree in chemical engineering will give you the knowledge to work in this high-demand field. You'll understand the properties of materials from atoms to plastics. 研究它们的化学成分以及它们是如何融合和相互作用的. Practice using advanced tools that are used in labs and factories. 拥有化学工程学士学位, you'll be well on your way to a career in this important industry.

Why Earn an Associate Degree in Chemical Engineering at 火博体育?


Study with chemical engineering faculty from New Mexico State University while attending SJC. We have collaborated with NMSU so you can earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Chemical Engineering in four years.

You will spend the first two years of your educational journey at SJC. Earn your Chemical Engineering AS by taking math, English, physics, and chemistry courses. You will also enroll in at least one chemical engineering course each semester. NMSU will teach these courses through synchronous distance education. That means you will watch lectures live on your computer and interact with your instructor and fellow students in real time.

Upon completion of your Chemical Engineering AS, you will transfer to the NMSU campus in Las Cruces. You will finish the last four semesters of the Chemical Engineering BS degree program there.

有了这个程序, you'll get to study close to home for two years while paying our affordable tuition rates. Our small classes and experienced teachers will give you the attention you need to prepare for your advanced classes. Take care of your future with SJC's chemical engineering partnership with NMSU.


按照适合自己的时间表上课. SJC offers many learning options for our chemical engineering students. Some courses meet in person, while others are offered completely online. We also have hybrid classes that meet online and in person, depending on the course schedule. 在SJC找到一个适合你的灵活选择.


Become an experienced student and job applicant by completing undergraduate research. 在SJC,你可以 参与化学和化学工程研究项目. You'll experiment in our laboratory and use advanced instrumentation to find solutions. Work closely with our professors to build your quantitative and qualitative skills.


  • 解决环境问题
  • 人造视网膜材料的创造
  • 电子材料的合成


SJC的 低学费, earning our Chemical Engineering AS can save you thousands of dollars. You'll pay our affordable rates for two years while taking the same rigorous courses as a four-year school. You may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM机会和彩票奖学金.


拥有化学工程学士学位, you'll explore advanced chemistry and math concepts that will prepare you for your future career. Learn about atomic and molecular structure and reaction dynamics in your lectures. Practice how to handle materials and perform chemical analysis in labs. You'll become a confident student—ready to transfer your Associate of Science degree to a four-year school.


  • 应用常微分方程
  • 微积分I, II,和III
  • 微积分物理
  • 普通化学I和II
  • 工程概论
  • 有机化学I和II

您还将参加新密歇根州立大学教授的实时在线课程. 你将采取:

  • 能量平衡
  • 工程数据分析
  • 流体流动
  • 化学计算概论
  • 物料平衡
  • 热力学



SJC's associate degree in chemical engineering is a transfer degree. 一旦你完成了副学士学位, you can enroll in a four-year university to complete your bachelor's degree in just two more years. 许多化学工程工作需要学士学位, 这样你就有资格开始你的职业生涯了.

火博体育 has a partnership with NMSU's Chemical Engineering program. Many of our chemical engineering students transfer to NMSU to complete their degrees. 新密西根州立大学通过 教唆这使它成为工程专业的顶尖学校.

我们的化学AS, you can also enter as a junior majoring in chemistry at the following schools:

  • 路易斯堡学院
  • 新墨西哥理工大学
  • 新墨西哥大学

与你的导师见面 if you wish to transfer to pursue your bachelor's degree in chemistry. You will need to coordinate your coursework at 火博体育 with the transfer institution's requirements.



Most of our graduates transfer to New Mexico State University to earn their Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. 一旦你毕业, you can find employment as a chemical engineer in New Mexico and around the country.

目前对化学工程师的需求量很大. 劳工统计局的项目 从2021年到2031年,化学工程师的就业将增长14%. 这比所有职业的平均水平要快得多. 美国劳工统计局也报告了这一点 化学工程师的平均年薪为105,550美元这是一个高薪的职业.


  • 轮机员能源服务
  • HF辛克莱公司
  • 理想的光谱
  • 英特尔
  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室
  • 西方石油公司
  • 桑迪亚国家实验室
  • SolAero科技有限公司


参加化学工程AS课程, 你必须完成一定的数学和化学课程;

  • 高中化学
  • 中级代数
  • 微积分
  • 三角函数

You may also complete these courses at SJC before enrolling in the Chemical Engineering AS courses. 联系 你的顾问 或浏览 化学工程AS课程 浏览更多信息.


报名参加化学工程理学副学士课程, 你必须先申请火博体育. 这很容易,你可以随时在网上申请!


如果你已经是火博体育的学生, talk to 你的顾问 about our Chemical Engineering AS and your transfer options.



电话: (505) 566-3320


m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
